How to become a consultant


  1. Ability to explain sociocracy concepts and underlying values
    1. The candidate is able to explain concepts and how those concepts relate to the underlying value that everyone’s voice matters.
    2. “Sociocracy concepts” means decision making by consent, circular organizational structures with double-linking, continuous evolution through feedback, and the common extensions of those basic concepts, as articulated by Gerard Endenburg and subsequent writers.
  1. Experience with implementation with positive feedback
    1. The candidate has the ability to bring an organization from initial contact to use the sociocratic circle-organization method. If the candidate’s experience is with a team of consultants, the candidate must have an active role in the implementation, not just assisting.
    2. The candidate must have led or co-led the establishment of a circle structure in at least two organizations, one of which must have at least three double-linked circles. If the candidate feels that double-linking was not appropriate because of the nature of the organization (e.g., network), then there must be an equivalent alternative form of feedback loop mechanism or process. 
    3. The candidate must provide documentation of predominantly positive evaluations of at least the two implementations identified in 2b above.
    4. The candidate’s certification review should include lessons learned from both successes and failures. 
  2. Capacity to adapt sociocratic patterns
    1. The candidate is able to creatively adapt basic sociocratic patterns to unique client systems in ways that maintain the values of equivalence and effectiveness. 
    2. The candidate’s report can describe any adaptations made in usual sociocracy patterns. 
  3. Participate in a sociocratic organization
    1. The candidate must participate in a sociocratic organization of at least one circle (that provides feedback to its members) to be and stay certified in order to continually experience themselves as members of a sociocratic environment.
    2. If this is not the case, the candidate must document past experience in a sociocratic organization and identify other means of getting the feedback and perspective typically available to circle members.
  4. Be willing to serve on the certification review panels of new and recertifying candidates.


  1. The certifying agency notifies International Sociocracy Certification Board (ISCB) that they have approved an individual for certification according to the standards of the International Board. Note: If an individual applies for certification without the support of a certifying agency, then a designated member of the individual’s certification review Circle performs this notification (see policy on Process for Individuals Applying for Certification or Recertification without the support of a certifying agency).
  2. The notification includes the following documentation about the certification candidate:
    1. Name, photo and bio, including writings, services, products, client list, and website links they wish to share, within a limit of 200 words.
    2. Their sociocratic organizational memberships
    3. Date of certification meeting and names of those in attendance, specifically identifying those individuals who are already certified
  3. The certification candidate pays a fee of 50€ to the International Sociocracy Certification Board (ISCB).
  4. The International Sociocracy Certification Board (ISCB) issues a dated certificate of expertise as a Sociocratic consultant to the individual and posts the documentation about the individual on the ICB’s website within 30 days of receiving the documentation and payment.
  5. Certification is valid for three years from the date on the certificate.